ASU is one of the largest universities in the United States of America with over 100,000 students, including over 20,000 students in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. ASU is a comprehensive knowledge enterprise, a new model for the 21st century research university. Our unique approach to research is: 1) Transdisciplinary. Our researchers tear down the walls between traditional disciplines in order to address some of the most complex challenges facing our world; 2) Use-inspired. ASU researchers strive to make a positive impact, whether it’s through educating a growing and diverse population at scale, producing reliable and sustainable energy, or developing new materials for tomorrow’s technologies, among other efforts; and 3) Agile. ASU’s size does not hinder its speed. Our ability to identify and respond to new challenges quickly and nimbly means we collaborate easily with industry, international development organizations and other partners. This approach has made ASU the fastest-growing research institution in the United States. Since 2002, our annual research expenditures have more than quadrupled to $518 million.